

Ronil Chlorothalonil

Ronil Chlorothalonil

Category: → Fungicide

Trade Name : Ronil Chlorothalonil

Common Name : Chlorothalonil 50% SC

Non-systemic, protective fungicide belongs to the chemical group of chloronitriles. Formulation type is suspension concentrate.


Diseases Controlled

Dilution Rate

Rate of Application

Early-Growth Stage

Medium-Growth Stage

Late-Growth Stage

All other crops except Paddy

Anthracnose, Powdery mildew, Rust, Leaf spot

30ml/ 10L

(960-1200)ml/ ha

(1500-1800)ml/ ha

(2100-2400)ml/ ha

Potato, Tomato

Early blight, Late blight

30ml/ 10L

(960-1200)ml/ ha

(1500-1800)ml/ ha



Purple blotch, Anthracnose

30ml/ 10L

(960-1200)ml/ ha


Purple blotch

30ml/ 10L

(960-1200)ml/ ha


Blossom blight

30ml/ 10L

(960-1200)ml/ ha

(1500-1800)ml/ ha


Crusifers (Cabbage, Knol-khol) & Cucurbits(Luffa, Bitter gourd, Pumpkin)

Alternaria blight

30ml/ 10L

(960-1200)ml/ ha

(1500-1800)ml/ ha

(2100-2400)ml/ ha


Alternaria blight

30ml/ 10L

(960-1200)ml/ ha


Sigotoka leaf spot, Kodana leaf spot

30ml/ 10L

(1250-3000)ml/ ha


Gray mold

30ml/ 10L

(1200-1500)ml/ ha

All other crops except Paddy

Damping off, Root rot, Foot rot

90ml/ 50L

Apply to 10 sq. meter

(when seeding, replanting & symptoms are observed

Pre harvesting interval – 14days

If required, repeat application can be done in 7-10 days interval until the disease are cured .

Rain Propineb

Rain Propineb

Category: → Fungicide

Trade Name : Rain Propineb

Common Name : Propineb 70% WP

Contact fungicide with protective action belongs to the chemical group of dithio-carbamates and relatives. Formulation type is wettable powder.


Diseases Controlled

Dilution Rate

Rate of Application

Early-Growth Stage

Medium-Growth Stage

Late-Growth Stage

All other crops except Paddy

Downy mildew, Leaf spot, Rust

20ml/ 10L

(640-800)g/ ha

(1000- 1200)g/ ha

(1400- 1600)g/ ha

Potato, Tomato

Early blight, Late blight

20ml/ 10L

(640- 800)g/ ha


(1000- 1200)ml/ ha


Alternaria blight

20ml/ 10L

(640-800)g/ ha


Blossom blight

20ml/ 10L

(640-800)g/ ha


(1000- 1200)ml/ ha

Cucurbits(Cucumber, Snake gourd, Bitter gourd, Pumpkin etc.) & Crusifers (Raddish, Cabbage, Knol-khol, Cauli flower)

Alternaria blight

20ml/ 10L

(640-800)g/ ha

(1000- 1200)g/ ha

(1400- 1600)g/ ha

Onion, Leeks

Purple blotch

20ml/ 10L

(640-800)g/ ha


Leaf spot, Blight

20ml/ 10L

(800-1000)g/ ha

Tomato, Bell pepper grown in green houses

Early blight, Late blight

20ml/ 10L

(1000-1200)g/ ha

Pre harvesting interval – 14days

If required, repeat application can be done in 7-10 days interval until the diseases are cured.

Carbin Carbendazim

Carbin Carbendazim

Category: → Fungicide

Trade Name : Carbin Carbendazim

Common Name : Carbendazim 50% SC

Systemic, curative and protective fungicide belongs to the chemical group of benzimidazoles. Formulation type is suspension concentrate.


Diseases Controlled

Dilution Rate

Rate of Application

Early-Growth Stage

Medium-Growth Stage

Late-Growth Stage


Rice blast

7ml/ 10L

(224-280)ml/ ha

Chilli, Bean, Tomato, Tobacco


7ml/ 10L

(225-280)ml/ ha

(350-420)ml/ ha

(490-560)ml/ ha

Cucurbits(Pumpkin, Snake gourd etc.), Chilli, Onion, Grapes, Tobacco, Girkin, Pulses, Ornamental plants and Other plants

Powdery mildew

7ml/ 10L

(225-280)ml/ ha

(350-420)ml/ ha

(490-560)ml/ ha

Pre harvesting interval – 14days

Lazer Hexaconazole

Lazer Hexaconazole

Category: → Fungicide

Trade Name : Lazer Hexaconazole

Common Name : Hexaconazole 5% SC

Systemic fungicide with protective and curative actions belongs to the chemical group of  triazoles. Formulation type is suspension concentrate.



Diseases Controlled

Dilution Rate

Rate of Application



Sheath blight

20ml/ 10L

640-800ml/ ha

Apply 30-45 days after transplanting & before panicle initiation

Tea (for plucking fields)

Blister blight

5.6ml/ 10L

25ml/ 45L water (per 3000 plants)

Apply 7-14 days interval

Tea (for recovering plants after pruning)

Blister blight

5ml/ 10L

85ml/ 170L of water per 1ha

Apply 10 days interval


Red root (treatment for infilling tea)

10ml/ 10L

250-350ml/ ha

Minimum 3 rounds at 2-3 months interval

Red root (treatment for pheripheral bushes)

20ml/ 10L

250-300ml/ ha


Rust, Anthracnose, Angular leaf spot

3.5ml/ 10L

Early stage : 115-140ml/ ha

Apply 14-21 days interval (Last application 1 week before flowering)

Late stage : 175-210ml/ ha


Ring spot halpoja laukkuja

3.5ml/ 10L

115-140ml/ ha

Apply over the entire foliage. Repeat if necessary at 3 weeks interval. Strictly adhere to recommended rates to avoid phytotoxicity.

Pre harvesting interval – 14days

Sira Propiconazole

Sira Propiconazole

Category: → Fungicide

Trade Name : Sira Propiconazole

Common Name : Propiconazole 25% EC

Systemic fungicide with protective action belongs to the chemical group of  triazoles. Formulation type is emulsifiable concentrate.


Diseases Controlled

Dilution Rate

Rate of Application

Early-Growth Stage

Medium-Growth Stage

Late-Growth Stage


Sheath blight

10ml/ 10L

(320-400)ml/ ha

Tomato, Chilli, Capsicum, Bean, Onion


10ml/ 10L

(320-400)ml/ ha

(500-600)ml/ ha

(700-800)ml/ ha

Tomato, Chilli, Capsicum, Bean

Leaf spot

3.5ml/ 10L

(115-140)ml/ ha

(175-210)ml/ ha

(245-280)ml/ ha


Angular leaf spot, Rust

3.5ml/ 10L

(115-140)ml/ ha

(175-210)ml/ ha



Ring spot

3.5ml/ 10L

(115-140)ml/ ha




Sigatoka leaf spot, Codana leaf spot

3.5ml/ 10L

(175-350)ml/ ha

Pre harvesting interval – 14days

If required, repeat application can be done in 14-21 days interval until the diseases are cured.

Cosavet Sulphur

Cosavet Sulphur

Category: → Fungicide

Trade Name : Cosavet Sulphur

Common Name : Sulphur 80% WDG

Non-systemic, contact fungicide and also an acaricide belong to the inorganic chemical group. Formulation type is water dispersible granule.


Diseases Controlled

Dilution Rate

Rate of Application

Early-Growth Stage

Medium-Growth Stage

Late-Growth Stage

Chilli, Potato, Brinjal


80g/ 10L

(2500-3200)g/ ha


(4000-4800)g/ ha


Leaf mites

80g/ 10L

(2560-3200)g/ ha

Flowering & Ornamental plants


80g/ 10L

Apply to wet the underside of the foliage properly.

Tea (for nursery plants)


50g/ 10L

600-900L of mixture (per 3500 plants) by using nap sap sprayer

Tea (for recovering plants after pruning)

180g/ 10L

200-250L of mixture by using mist blower

Chilli, Capsicum, Tomato, Brinjal, Okra, Carrot, Grapes

Powdery mildew

50g/ 10L

(1600-2000)g/ ha

(2500-3000)g/ ha

(3500-4000)g/ ha

Flowering & Ornamental plants

Powdery mildew

50g/ 10L

(2500-3000)g/ ha


Powdery mildew

50g/ 10L

Apply to wet infested parts properly

Bean, Cowpea and other pulses


50g/ 10L

(1600-2000)g/ ha

(2500-3000)g/ ha

(3500-4000)g/ ha

Pre harvesting interval – 14days

If required, repeat application can be done in 6-8 days interval until the diseases are cured.

Polo Azoxystrobin

Polo Azoxystrobin

Category: → Fungicide

Trade Name - Polo Azoxystrobin

Common name - Azoxystrobin 250 g/l SC


Systemic, curative and protective fungicide belongs to Methoxy acrylate acid group. Formulation type is suspension concentrate.





(According to Growth Stage)



Leaf spot

10 ml/10 Ltrs of water

400 ml / ha

160 ml / ac.







(Pumpkin, Snake gourd, Cucumber etc.

Downy Mildew

Powdery Mildew

320-400 ml / ha.


128-160 ml / ac.

500-600 ml /ha.


200-240 ml / ha.

700-800 ml / ha.


280-320 ml / ac.


Late Blight

320-400 ml / ha.

128-160 ml / ha.

500-600 ml / ha.

200-240 ml / ac.

700-800 ml /ha.

280-320 ml / ac.


Downy Mildew

1.5 - 5 ml per vine

Pre-harvest Interval 14 days


Do not apply more than 2 consecutive applications of Azoxystrobia or any Fungicide in the same group 

in a season.